Estate Planning Basics

June 20, 2022 @ 12:00 PM EST

Money Monday - Estate Planning Basics Banner


What the Workshop is About:

When people hear the term “estate planning,” they often assume it is only for the one-percenters. However, no matter your age or income, it is important to have a plan for yourself, your assets, and your family. This workshop will help break down the estate planning process and take you through the key steps involved in building your plan.

Some Questions We Answer:

  • Where do I begin when it comes to creating a plan for my assets?
  • How will taxes play a role in my estate plan?
  • What should I include in my will?

Who Should Attend:

Anyone who is looking for guidance on how to create and implement an estate plan and anyone who has not reviewed his or her estate plan or will in the past three to five years. 
